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While sitting alone in the serene environment near the banks of river Yamuna , I thought I should write something on Unity in Diversity. The more I pondered, the more I got entangled in the complexity of the topic. I focused on the two key words ; one the ‘unity’ and the other ‘ diversity’.
But it all went in vain....My fingers refused to pen anything down over the pages of a mini notebook that I always remember to keep with me. I was a bit dejected on my inability of creative sense of sensibility. Disgusted in the end I whispered to myself why not write something on beauty.My mind became active and entered into a discussion with itself. What if you answer the following queries:
- Why is the Rose beautiful?
- Why is a beautiful person beautiful?
- and Why is Taj Mahal magnificent but beautiful too?
It occurred to my mind that the answer to all these queries lies in symmetry.
Wherever we find symmetry , it appears beautiful.
One could imagine, what would have happened to so called beautiful and handsome of us if the structure of our body lacked symmetry by its mid meridian line ; or if our left eyebrow and right ear would have been placed a bit asymmetrical.
The only word that one could then attribute for us would be ugly.
However, only symmetry is not the complete answer to beauty.
Why does a range of mountain or expanse of a forest look beautiful?
The answer to my mind lies in the existence of disorder.Yes , it is symmetry in asymmetry, order in disorder, unity in diversity that completes the picture.
A forest is diverse in its flora and fauna;there is lot of assymetry in the forest but it looks beautiful because there is an order or symmetry in this asymmetry.
Friends, it is unity in diversity that makes things beautiful. Our country , right from North to South and East to West is beautiful and great because of its plurality and diversity of culture and habits in unison.You talk either about Kashmir or Kanya Kumari or Goa or Darjeeling it is all beautiful.
The concept of coexistence and tolerance to adjust symmetrically what is diverse is the law of nature.
India believes and lives by this concept and hence in spite of being culturally diverse it is united and beautiful in spite of all odds.
Freedom of diverse expression of thoughts under an umbrella of unity makes us a sustainable largest democratic republic on this planet.
We move, fall,stand up,faulter, grow, evolve and progress because we learn from diverse opinion to make a big India.
The only addition we need is transition from unworldliness and worldliness to better worldliness following the principle of nurturing a society that is aristocratic not necessarily in its style of living but certainly in its style of thinking and action.
We must think diverse,think great, think big and think strong to be humble and firm enough to remain united in purpose, thought and action to make our nation great and therefore more beautiful.If this is true and realisable for India, It could be true for any nation on this planet.
Time is calling us to act and plunge into following the principle of brotherhood of man and fatherhood of god to make unity in diversity a real purpose of humankind for peace, happiness, sustainability and growth.
It was to my utter surprise that I have clicked on unity and diversity while catching it up from beauty.
I was happy and satisfied now.I learnt that many a times strategic decisions are taken from a different end to find a solution for a problem existing at altogether a different end.
This is how management works for a sustainable environment at its workplace beautifully.